This title sounds good. I'll be using for a game. I'll send you a link later once I make a demo.
This title sounds good. I'll be using for a game. I'll send you a link later once I make a demo.
Awesome! I'm looking forward to checking it out!
Nice battle theme. Though it sounds more like a boss theme, but still pretty good. I'll be using it for a game I'm going to make using your 8 bit music and some other people's 8 bit music. I'll PM you sometime.
Thanks for listening and awesome! good luck with the game!
I look forward to seeing it! :)
Good track. I really like the sound of it, but if it could sound more epic and at the same time... How do I say this... an energetic battle theme. It reminds me of night and Blade (I don't know why...). 4 stars. If it becomes great in an arrangement, maybe 5 stars.
One more thing I have to say is that sound could be more centered, because hearing with headphones and noticing always a sound on the right ear (the drum or whatever the name is) bothers me a little.
Good luck, my friend.
Thanks for the review!
WOW! Windows sounds? Awesome.
Yep, Windows sounds (and a TR-909 Kick drum)
AWESOME. Well, not as awesome as hardcore battle themes, but this would definetily fit a FF game. Can I use this loop in my game?
Of course you can. Show it to me when it's finished.
This remix is so good. I felt really calm when listening to this. May I use it in my game?
Of course you can, use whatever you like my friend.
Joined on 1/13/15